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LUMNA has a powerful new answer to anxiety. One that’s available for all. One that actually works. 

Be part of something revolutionary. 

Emotional well being is a human right.

And it’s out of reach for far too many people who struggle with anxiety.

Lumna is a new, immersive solution to transform your relationship with anxiety and help you thrive. 

Participants journey through an uplifting, eight-week learning and practice path that enables them to fundamentally transform their relationship with anxiety. 


With science backed educational modules, a set of on demand tools and exercises, and a supportive community of vibrant humans, it’s a launching pad for new chapters. 


Together with our participants, we’re illuminating a way forward.

The End Result

We believe people deserve to live happy fulfilling lives filled with all the things they dream of. And they deserve a mind that helps them to achieve that, not one that holds them back. 

LUMNA is a new, immersive solution to transform your relationship with anxiety and help you thrive.

A therapeutic medicinal product combining the powers of ancient medicine with modern science. A natural medicine which is having clinically effective results.


Clients report, feeling relaxed but not sedated, waking up feeling refreshed and energized and feeling like themselves again.

Unprecedented Results

Anxiety expert and founder Krystal Chong developed a method for anxiety where, participants report better results than traditional therapies provided combined.


On average participants report taking their anxiety from a 9 to a 2 in 8 weeks, and these results continue to improve with time - empowering the client for greater things. 


LUMNA is here to scale this proven solution. 

“This format really put a positive spin on things that I’ve never experienced from any counsellor or doctor. It truly changed my life for the better and I don’t think of anxiety as a life sentence any longer.”

Ava Wilson

“In just 8 weeks, this program did for me what 10 years of therapy couldn’t do. I’ve never completed a program with such ease and joy, especially for a topic that can be considered ‘heavy”

Sharene Mamby

“This method liberated me from my anxiety. The journey has been incredibly rewarding and I am so grateful for what it has done for me. You get relevant, clear, science backed information plus practical useful resources that help in everyday life.”

Vannessa Blackstock

“I feel like an arrow who’s been pulled forward, ready to be catapulted into the next chapter and it’s exciting!”

Katrina Bayliss

“This helped to simplify my daily life and routines and it started with baby steps. It was all encompassing and educational looking at anxiety in a holistic manner.”

Samantha Gradilone

“I realize that you CAN have a joyous life where anxiety is not the norm but the anomaly. I took my anxiety from a 9.5 almost to 0. I am so busy with work and yet I have all this free mental space. I realize having anxiety was a full time job.”

Khytie Brown

“Krystal brings a joy and a love to the kind of heaviness we know anxiety to be. Transformational”

Jessica Rodriguez

“This is an unbelievable program, everyone could benefit it. Krystal makes everything so much fun in her lectures and they’re all science based.”

Kaley K

“This program helped me take my anxiety from an 8 to a 2. I can genuinely say I’ve gained self acceptance and I think that is the greatest gift of all.”

 Lauren Deptula

“Thumbs up. Many people who are close to me say I’m much less anxious and much calmer and in control. I would recommend this 150% to anyone.”

Craig Powe

“This program has transformed my life for better meds free. My anxiety went from a 10 to a 2 and I learned that my anxiety and mental health challenges don’t define me.”

Jasmine Delarosa

“At first I was skeptical because I thought, ‘If a doctor can’t help me, what can a holistic approach do for me?’ It’s the best decision I’ve made. I am lighter, happier, anxiety controlled - all without medication. There is no price tag for what I have gained.”

Samantha Cedeno

“My relationship with anxiety is completely changed. Before I felt like I was being trampled by a herd of buffalo. Now I feel like I’m walking a small dog on a leash. It’s wonderful.”

Ashley Beatty

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They’re expensive

They’re not moving the needle enough

Many feel frustrated, dependent and hopeless

They can be intimidating, lonely and cold

They focus on patients as ‘mentally ill,’ creating a depressing, demotivating personal narrative

And they’re just not fun

Bottom line - People feel ‘less crappy’ and that’s not anyone’s goal.

Let’s be real, existing solutions aren’t solving the problem for many.

Because of this people continue to suffer.

1 in 5 Amercian’s have an anxiety disorder. 60% don’t get treated. Why? 


Simple: Stigma, accessibility, and they don’t like the solutions being offered (meds and therapy).


LUMNA addresses that problem. Having been through this herself, our founder Krystal Chong, has a unique purview on anxiety. And it’s lighting the way for a new uplifting path to mental wellness. 

The path is a customized, science backed curriculum, delivered via Krystal Chong’s uniquely uplifting presence.

The community is a unique space where participants can feel seen, supported and connected.

The emergency tool kit provides real time support for tough moments.

Our solution actually works. Here’s why:

Participants report that 3 fundamental factors are what differentiate us.

Not just an app - an intuitive, supportive, full scale solution that gets real results.

The mobile application will use the core of our proven method combined with technological solutions like gamification and scalable community building, to help make long term behavioral change fun for our participants. The user feels seen, supported and unalone. Empowered from within. 

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